Little Big Cat

Little Big Cat

Difficult angle Ruth which you have tackled very well. The fur is so beautifully painted my immediate thought was AAAAH. I like the blue background. Is it blue paper? Nice to try both ways we learn so much. Gorgeous.

Great title :-) I think the brindle would have been extremely hard to do, but think you have captured it nicely, its a lovely painting.

Ruth, as this has gone into your portfolio and you would like comment. Put a note in the forum under 'invitation to view' your latest work. Copy and paste the title in the search bar on this picture only and insert it - we can click on the link and will be taken immediately to your delightful painting.

I don't know how I missed this one Ruth. The fur looks so luxurious and I know how much work you have put into it so well done. I particularly like his ears!

Ruth I forgot to mention look under the heading your work.

This is great. They have changed the front page Ruth. We can still see you.

Wow.. new gallery format, brilliant. I think your little cat is delightful and his brindle fur works well . Like the deep concentration on his face as he gives his paws a good lick.

Ruth you have worked so hard on the fur ! it is very very good.

Hi Ruth. What a difficult pose to paint. You have captured the cat very well indeed. Well done.

Lovely cat, I like the little tongue.

Splendid cat, and a very good painting indeed. The eyes - or eye-lids, do I mean? - are spot on.

This is lovely. The picture is so lively and the fur is ok. It is not just a picture, it tells a story. Beautiful!

Hang on Studio Wall
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A3 w/c on Bock. ex rough . Found the brindled fur rather a challenge, but fun to try. I used a mainly wet on dry technique but may do it again with wet in wet. Any comments are very welcome, please.

About the Artist
Ruth Dolan

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