Christmas Eve, Lady Lane


Really nicely done 👍

Lovely crisp snow scene Roger!

A beauty of a painting

It's really good Roger

Very nicely done Roger. Lovely loose brushwork.

Very good Roger! I really like this; beautiful!

Wonderful painting.

Very good Roger, nice bold brushstrokes.

I think I may have one of the cards you had printed form the original Roger. I’ve kept it because I love the palette…..pinks and greys along with the fact that it’s a wonderful country, winter scene and reminds me of places that I’ve lived.

Hang on Studio Wall

16" x 20" oil on canvas. I've started 2023 with a new version of an old subject. My references were a photograph, taken on Christmas Eve, 2010 and the oil painting done from it in 2011. I wanted to paint a winter landscape and I know who might like this one. Alan Bickley's article in the December issue of The Artist was another prompt.

About the Artist
Roger Gadd

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