Ah Fresh Air

Ah Fresh Air

Amazing result considering the size John, tremendous lighting on those fields.

Love that sky and the light on the field.

What a super 'quick slap it on' - I love it, John.

Keep slapping it on John this is tremendous. No eyes or animals in your sky! Did you use burnt sienna under painting for this John, it’s very effective against the green where it shows through.

That looks gorgeous John, just my cup of tea!

I could do with a 'quick slap' John but it's beyond me I'm afraid, great painting

Thanks Alan, Ellen and Shirley, Yes Fiona it is burnt sienna, a great ground for landscapes. Thanks Satu nothing like a nice cuppa. Edward the way you paint and draw is superb. Thanks all for your comments are very much appreciated.

Very effective. I'll keep burnt sienna in mind for toning canvas.

Beautiful colours John, looks like the sun is really catching that field.

Hang on Studio Wall

A quick slap it on. Oil on canvas board. 8x6 inches

About the Artist
John Graham Inkson

Life From The Easel. As an artist I see my self as an all rounder. Ive worked with all the painting mediums, as well as silk screen printing, ceramics, small sculptures, sign writing, murals, graphic design and digital art. I went to Cardiff University to do graphic design rather than do a fine…

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