The Bandstand

The Bandstand

All about memories eh John. Wonderful detail and colour captured.

You say ' like it was yesterday '. When did you do it? Is this what is known as visual colour mixing as in putting bits of colour together so your eyes mix it? I love the light Diana

Ps John would like you to have seen my last painting for your comment or critique, it is about page 7 now, nearly to drop off the end! I felt quite proud of it and considered it to be my best. It's called 'Imagine' as it was.

you have certainly conveyed a wonderful feeling of light and space John excellent pastel work

Lovely feeling of sunlight in this, John. (Getting to recognise your paintings now, very distinctive style and colours!)

Wonderful pastel, John. I like your colours and the light and shadows.

Lovely painting John. Looks like a lovely day to be outside.

Scintillating work John

Thank you folks for your comments, very much appreciated. Diana, The painting was done some 10 years ago. I came across the file recently while clearing up some files. I will look Carole.

This is really lovely John. Superb use of colour and a great composition.

Hang on Studio Wall

Pastel. Size A3. Painted out on location. I remember doing this like it was yesterday. There is nothing like painting out on location.

About the Artist
John Graham Inkson

Life From The Easel. As an artist I see my self as an all rounder. Ive worked with all the painting mediums, as well as silk screen printing, ceramics, small sculptures, sign writing, murals, graphic design and digital art. I went to Cardiff University to do graphic design rather than do a fineā€¦

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