East Neuk of Fife

East Neuk of Fife

I like the perspective of this and the sunshine on the houses. Lovely texture on the sunlit whitewash. Smashing work.

Thank you CA for your kind comments it's a fabulous area to paint and there's always wee neuks and crannies to exploit. I used a pallet knife to bring a bit of texture to the whitewashed cottage for effect glad that you like it.

Crazy perspective but great fun!

Hang on Studio Wall

Acrylics on canvas view of cottages in Crail, Fife on a nice sunny day.

About the Artist
Philip Golden

I was born in Dundee Scotland 1961 which makes me around 54 ish. I am mainly self taught although have had college training earlier in my life. Although I have been painting since I left school in the late 70's it's not until recently that I have taken it up again with an endeavour to learn and…

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