June with washing

June with washing

Nice work, Peter. Great expression on the ladies' face.

You have made the ordinary extraordinary with your acute observational skills Peter.

Heart warming! Brought back dear childhood memories...

I love this Peter - an everyday scene painted really well. If you want to paint people like Vermeer, try doing a grisaille and add layers of colours as a glaze over the top.

Like your style a lot - great painting.

Thanks for the feedback all of you - very encouraging! And I will certainly have a go following Frank's kind advice, once I've googled grisaille!

Hang on Studio Wall

I am trying to find a style I enjoy and can get to be good at. I enjoy figure paintings, which don't have to be dramatic, just that represent human life. Wouldn't it be great to paint people as well as Vermeer? This is an oil painting on canvas.

About the Artist
Peter Mullins

I have always enjoyed painting and drawing but with career and family never made the time. Well, now my children are mostly grown, my career coming to an end and I'm running out of excuses. I want to: get trained (not sure how, degrees cost a hell of a lot); find a style, and; get to be good enough…

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