My Goldfinch

My Goldfinch

Love the feathers very effective,It hasv a feel that the bird had spun it head around to glance at you.

It's absolutely fabulous, Paulette, with the colours really standing out. I saw two of these in a local hedgerow, yesterday, when I was out walking, and they put a big smile on my face. Your painting has had the same effect. Beautiful! Bri

Wonderful Paulette! Love the brushstrokes, energy to this painting. The expression is perfect! Bird in action. (we just had a pudgy american goldfinch, bright yellow visit our feeder on May 12th for a day or two) Its Spring!

They are beautiful birds and this is a beautiful rendition Paulette

Wonderful Paulette!

Like your style Paulette

I LOVE this. Such simple brushstrokes that convey so much and the colours are stand out!

Thanks for all the great comments. Really appreciated as I’m still relatively new to oil painting.

Really beautiful.

Hang on Studio Wall

I'm a big fan of The Goldfinch painting by Fabritius but goldfinches don't visit my garden that often. I was lucky enough to snap this chap when they did so now he's My Goldfinch. Painted in oils on 10 x 10" panel

About the Artist
Paulette Farrell

Professional Artist. For 2020 I have decided to focus my work on cricket (which I love) and figure / portrait paintings and drawings. Although I am able to draw and paint birds, still lifes and animals and have been successful selling them I noted that whilst painting them I was forever thinking…

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