Lexington New York II

Lexington New York II

I love this painting Jeannette - what a great idea to include your family and the dog!

Hi Jeannette, I actually thought this was a black and white photo when I saw it on the front page, its really good, has great depth, your son must be rapped, its fantastic.

Subject perfectly suited to monochrome. Very hard to fault it - so I won't try! It shows that an arresting image can be made without colour, provided you have strong tones and excellent composition. Your dog wouldn't thank you for exposing her to 15 below ... much better off in front of the fire at home.

Love this! Love NY too, and this painting has all the ingredients, atmosphere, style and story. What a unique gift, I'm sure your son will be thrilled!

ps, just looked at the original I think, in the watercolour section on your website, lovely website!

Thank you all so very much for your very kind comments. Michael hasn't seen it yet. Hope he likes it. If not I shall have to find a place on my wall! Robert, my dog has got her coat on! Merry Xmas to you all. Thanks as always for your kind encouragements over the years - they definitely keep me going.

Full of atmosphere and narrative. Fab. I love the way you have melted the buildings in the background. How talented you are.

Wow Jeannette...just when I thought I could spot your style you go an slip this fabulous monochrome into your gallery. Simple classic 1930's elegance...sort of see something different each time I look.

Lovely stuff as usual, Jeannette. Super tones. I love that 'time warp' idea of including your family in a way which would not be possible.

What a great painting and such a change in b n w. My son would love it as he prefers monochrome pictures and I'm sure yours will be delighted. You're brilliant at all media!

A brilliant painting Jeannette!!!! Excellent work!!!

This is really lovely Jeanette. very atmospheric. I like the eye level which makes me feel like i'm part of the painting. I remember a similar painting you put on here before which was great too.

What a really great painting you have done the building sooo well i cant paint building to save my life!!!

Playing catch up on the gallery at the moment and I spotted this ! I admired your watercolour when you posted it and this is just as good if not better. I love it , a classic piece of art and very clever of you to include your family in it, even Jazza. Brilliant.

Lovely, Jeannette. A great feel for the place.

Hang on Studio Wall

A painting for my Son. He went to New York a few years ago, it was minus 15. I had painted this in watercolour (which has since sold). Michael asked for this as a reminder. I have added a few more people. My son and sister-in-law on the right. On the left myself and husband when young. Michael as a young boy and my present Border Terrier Jazza. I enjoyed painting this one. Everything from start to finish purely by eye. The people added towards the last stage. The snow doesn't show to well on my son and sister' -in-law. Must be the camera. I have never been to New York neither has my dog. (she has got a passport though. Winsor and Newton Artist acrylic on canvas 90 x 60cms

About the Artist
Jeannette Harrison

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