Impression of Degas - Dance Green Room

Impression of Degas - Dance Green Room

Another little beauty Jeannette !

Always glad to see these Ballerina paintings. Lovely colours that make the painting a lively one. Thanks for your comments to my painting.

This is lovely. Love the background and the floor. Is that where you used your fingers? It works well. Yes, it would make it your own if you did the faces how you wanted to. They are all very well done though.Thanks for your kind comments, I have painted so much more since joining this site. Just what I need as there is no one here for me to get advice or encouragement from. Thanks so much.

My goodness you have been busy Jeannette - another smasher - pity Degas himself can't get a look at these.

this degas series is very good jeanette, well done..chris

Very nice Jeanette, I still have to try one in oil, you have done a cracking Job.

Erik Clewes How brave of you are to tackle a subject as bold (yet subtle) as Degas. Study Degas and you study form and anatomy and mood. You have captured a certain serenity too in this particular painting. The toning is first class, the colouring splendid. As regards making the dancers 'more pretty', did Degas have his dancers pretty in each of his paintings? Probably not. I enjoyed viewing them all as a collection. Excellent, Jeannette.

Hang on Studio Wall

This is my impression of a pastel painting by Degas - painted in oil on canvas. Colours are different. Parts of the painting I used my finger. (like Turner I wish!). On looking at the painting I still have little touches to do. (Some of the Degas women aren't overly attractive!!) I find myself wanting to make them better looking!! (The redhead seems to be in a lot of his paintings. I think this one is telling a story. Maybe the redhead is having a row with the other dancer.)

About the Artist
Jeannette Harrison

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