Phalaenopsis Orchid

Phalaenopsis Orchid

I really like this one Jeanette, It is an interesting painting without being too fussy. You have done a good job with the dashes of paint. ps I think the glass of wine just did it for me !!

Thank you Carole. I need a watercolour head on like yours! Just binned one! I have a couple of pastels done and a few others. I have so many pictures of flowers from my garden but cannot get enthusiastic I want to be painting other things. Would I hang this in a Gallery with my lounge - or the plain one?

I'd hang this one Jeannette. It has more depth to it and the background in no way detracts from the orchids. The glass of wine really makes it. A very nice painting.

Have to agree with all the above, another great painting!

Really like both versions but this is my favourite. The " few dashes of paint " really add to it and bring the orchid forward. Lovely gloss on the leaf and I could just drink that glass of wine, after all the sun is over the yard arm ! Still struggling with my portrait. Couldn't decide if it was finished or not so had to stop myself fiddling with it. Got it photographed today ready for posting (the light wasn't very good though, dull day ) and as soon as I saw it on the screen I realised one eye had a slight squint so I'll be fiddling with it again tomorrow!!

Definately this one Jeannette, both are superb, but this one has come alive. Well done indeed. Best wishes, Bill.

I was surprised you painted flowers, but not surprised that you can tackle all subjects! Both paintings are lovely but this is my favourite. The depth of the room adds interest, and apart from the lovely orchid, that glass of wine looks so real. Well done and good luck for the exhibition.

"just.."GORGEOUS" Thankyou so much Jeannette, for your lovely comments on my pics, especially the last one. did i nearly make you swear..!!!LOL. if it was as lovely as your beautifull work, then i would be a very happy-bunny. but i do have to say, it was more accidentel than by design..unfortunately !!but asi said on it,..perhaps thats the way foward for me!!! to put myself into some kind of trance "state" !! lol. (some on here probably think...i'm allways in one anyway.) lol.your glass of wine looks good eneough to drink...all in all as usual...superb work. and i wish you all good luck for your exhibition. love. Rhian.x

Hi. jeanette, my choice is this one, but I like them both.

Jeannette, this is absolutely beautiful. You have got such a great talent. I just had a browse through your gallery and it's difficult to pick a favourite. They are all stunning. Having had a look at your paintings makes me feel even more greatfull for your positive comment on my humble effort.

Hang on Studio Wall
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Phalaenopsis Orchid in my Sun lounge (I have a few). Need flower paintings at present for exhibition. I had painted this - thought it looked bare on the left - so I added the next room with dashes of paint here and there. Decided I should have just painted the orchid so have two versions. Acrylic on canvas

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Jeannette Harrison

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