Glyn Macey 60-minute challenge 3 - Flowers

Glyn Macey 60-minute challenge 3 - Flowers

Loving this Sue! I must say that as a relative beginner you have very confident mark making abilities, which work particularly well with the flower and leaf shapes. Awesome work Sue! Cheers Glyn

Thank you for your encouragement Glyn, as it's taken me a long time to pluck up the nerve to show anything I've painted so publicly. So glad I've taken the first steps now and look forward any feedback on future work.

Hang on Studio Wall

Sue Stone sent in her version of Glyn's flower challenge saying: 'I am sending you my painting from the 60 minute painting challenge (March issue). I would really love any comments you may have about my painting, as I am a relative beginner and need as much advice as I can get. I am painting as much as I can with a busy family to support and working part- time. I love following your features in 'The Artist' magazine and am gaining much inspiration from them.'

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