PTG Exercise 4 - In the Shade

PTG Exercise 4 - In the Shade

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Hang on Studio Wall

Ian Stevenson sent in his version of Paul's exercise saying: 'My painting is based upon the reference photo painted onto 300g/m2 Bockingford stretched paper size 36 cm. X 26 cm. on a board. The acrylics I have used are Atilier Interactive Acrylics used with Atilier Liquefying Medium. I drew the composition out lightly in pencil then using the acrylics in a very liquid fashion painted in the main elements. The use of thicker paint followed especially in the dark passages of shadow where I used Dioxazine Purple, French Ultramarine, Pthalo Green, Arylamide Yellow Light and Lemon Yellow for the highlights in the foliage. The moorland background was painted with greyed mix of Burnt Sienna & sap green. The tors were painted with a small amount of blue added to the mix to suggest rocks. Although based on Paul’s reference photo, I felt the composition needed to have a path and gate through the wall to avoid the wall forming a “visual barrier” across the middle of the painti

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