Put your feet up or "Oh these shoes hurt."

Put your feet up or "Oh these shoes hurt."

Wow!! Diana, what a magnificent subject. Beautifully perfectly painted picture. Did you have someone to pose for you or did you draw that from your imagination?

Absolutely brilliant watercolour and I agree with Mia fantastically painted. I like the 'Put your feet up' title. Puts a whole new slant on the expression and so original! Jx

Many thanks. These started out just as a one off and sort of grew. Mia It's a combination of all sorts of things, a photo twisted and manipulated, my own wedding dress, and believe it or not my husband's legs!!!!!!

Another winner! I really like the way you use very analogous or monochromatic colors throughout the painting and yet manage to create depth and tone.

I do believe that you have painted your husbands legs Diana, I was a little worried that they were yours first of all : ) you failed to make them feminine enough, I am somewhat of an expert I think having been a legman for most of my 71 yrs : )

A great subject and I'd never have guessed .....! Beautifully painted and lots of fun.

Hi Diana: good fun about your husband's legs! I tell you another story: for my "Little Witches"-series : "Eating together", "A moment of meditation" and "Halloween", I asked my husband to pose for me in his long dressing gown to see how the silky fabric looked like if people sit down and are leaning back. He even had to put his feet on a bucket to get the right effect!!!!! When I show those paintings to friends, I always put the photographs next to the paintings and we all have a good laugh!!!

Hang on Studio Wall

The price of beautiful shoes!

About the Artist
Diana Hudson

I am Diana Hudson, a Lancashire lass who grew up in a little village outside Burnley. I travelled extensively and worked all over the world before returning to my roots in the Pendle area. As a dog breeder and judge, I specialised in pet portraits for over 20 years before adding portraits,…

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