Bluebell Path


Beautiful painting Lynda.

I Like the light achieved Lynda

Very skilfully painted Lynda.

That is a beautiful painting, Lynda!!

I'm liking the contrast of soft-focus muted distance to sharper stronger foreground interest, Lynda.

Thank you everyone for your kind comments.

As very impressive watercolour Lynda. Love te light fading into the distance.

Beautiful Bluebell path!

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour 20 x 20cm

About the Artist
Lynda Green

I started painting a few years back and now fully retired I have time to spend on my art. I have always loved the translucency of watercolour and yes, I know it is a difficult medium but when it works the effects are so worthwhile. I have a hand problem and find handling a brush easier than drawing…

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