Ready for Santa


That is delightful, Lynda!!

A lovely composition. Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and creative 2024 to you.

A lovely tradition and painting. When our boys were nippers we'd put out the sherry and mince pie, but forgot about the carrot. I tried to tell them that I'd heard Santa preferred French Fancies to mince pies, but they weren't having any of it.

Beautiful artwork Lynda, merry Christmas 🎄🎉

This is beautiful Lynda , a reminder of a lovely Christmas tradition

Lovely. Merry Christmas.

A lovely still life Lynda

A delightful watercolour. Happy Christmas to you.

Love the tradition of your still life Lynda.

Thank you for your comments everyone and a Merry Christmas to you all.

Lucky Santa - lovely work, Lynda! Merry Christmas!

A lovely painting Lynda.

Hang on Studio Wall
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Watercolour A4. We always leave Santa a small sherry, but my husband says he prefers whisky. The children always wondered how he knew! Don’t forget the carrot for the reindeer!

About the Artist
Lynda Green

I started painting a few years back and now fully retired I have time to spend on my art. I have always loved the translucency of watercolour and yes, I know it is a difficult medium but when it works the effects are so worthwhile. I have a hand problem and find handling a brush easier than drawing…

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