A Birthday Gift


So beautifully painted Mo. Love the glowing colours.

Superb work Mo, the colours all harmonise superbly.

This is so good Mo, bet she was delighted

Beautiful glowing colours against the dark background.

Lovely painting, love the warmth in it

Beautiful work, Mo.

Such a lovely glow from the candle and ornate candle-stick with wine glass reflects the light well.

Hang on Studio Wall
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A fellow artist recently celebrated her 50th birthday and invited friends to send her virtual candles to help her celebrate. Such a fun idea. This was my contribution

About the Artist
Mo Teeuw Iea Eagma

Professional artist and experienced tutor; Mo works mostly plein air and prefers to use oils. Runs workshops and demonstrates to local art groups;has tutored art holidays in France, Mallorca, Spain & Morocco. Full member of IEA (Institute of East Anglian Artists) and EAGMA (East Anglian Group of…

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