Boats & mussels

Boats & mussels

Free, fresh painting Mo - lovely

very nice painting

What size canvas/board do you work on when painting on site Mo? Another great painting.

Hi Fiona. I usually work on a 10" x 12" board. Either its just gessoed MDF or canvas/ linen/cotton covered board with a couple of coats of gesso

Thank you for the information Mo, appreciate it.

Fabulous colours Mo as always with you work, lovely wet look to the sand

I love this. The composition, colours and the subject matter works so well.

Great subject matter on your doorstep Mo and beautifully handled.

Lovely boat painting - super texture and I like your choice of colour palette.

Lots of interest in this one; textures and colours. It helps the tide was out. Makes the channel more interesting.

A beautiful gallery. These boats and mud flats are great!

Stunning work

Hang on Studio Wall

The tide was well out so i was able to get right down in the channel. These two boats gave lovely reflections in the wet mud. They are surrounded by mussel shells. The cage on the left had bags of mussels in

About the Artist
Mo Teeuw Iea Eagma

Professional artist and experienced tutor; Mo works mostly plein air and prefers to use oils. Runs workshops and demonstrates to local art groups;has tutored art holidays in France, Mallorca, Spain & Morocco. Full member of IEA (Institute of East Anglian Artists) and EAGMA (East Anglian Group of…

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