The Canal Basin, Market Harborough, watercolour painting

The Canal Basin, Market Harborough

Oh, Michael, this is one of my favourites. Beautiful, detailed scenery, bright sunny colours and well painted reflections. I am jealous.

A wonderful harmonious painting Michael, super reflections.

This is a really beautiful Michael, great composition

Wonderful subtle tones make it a joy to look at this watercolour.

This caught my eye on the page straight away Michael! The colours are beautiful, composition is good and the atmosphere is tranquil and lovely. Well done!

Absolutely beautiful, Michael! Love the atmosphere, and the super palette.

Thanks so much to you all for your kind words - great to receive such encouragement

Super work once again Michael, nice clean washes and great reflections.

This is a wonderful painting and your best to date I feel. I have been trying to analyse what it is about this painting that makes it so attractive and I think it is the genius addition of that small area of purple over the tree in the centre of the painting. If you cover it up, the painting seems to lose something, but if you reveal it again the painting leaps to life. I often find that it is one small aspect of a painting which makes all the difference, but the skill is knowing what small thing the painting needs and adding it in the right place. Some artists call it 'the effect' I believe. All your decisions with this painting were spot on I think and it has resulted in a super piece of work.

Beautiful scene, happy summer days!

Thank you so much Thea for your generous comments - I must say that I no longer agonise over what a painting needs but paint along more from instinct as I did with the patch in the sky. In fact at one stage I even wondered if it was right being slap in the centre of the picture but then came to the same conclusion as you that it works rather well. If I do have a reservation it concerns the man on the left - I feel he is needed to act as a 'stop' and to take the eye into the picture but I am not quite sure if he is quite to the right scale - I think on balance he may be OK but either way I can't do anything about it now.

Thanks Carole for your comment

I like it too Michael. Lovely bright colours and very well achieved contrast of lights and darks.

A beautiful watercolour, Michael - again! I love the strength of some of the colours here and the delicacy of others, along with the clarity of the whole painting. Just speaks of summer and the great outdoors.

Yes it shouts warm Summers day, and you found them all Shadows, reflections, highlights and some to to stir the happy switch in the brain

A lovely painting Michael.

A lovely painting Michael, have been away for a few days have some catching up to do.

Thanks for all your kind words.

Hang on Studio Wall

Always a busy place - especially on a hot summers evening - I remember one of those last year - or was it two? There are always more boats than I have shown here but the painting was already fiddly enough without including them all (fiddly enough for me that is).

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Michael Edwards

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