Lubenham Church

Lubenham Church

I've not long finished a series of local churches as you know, this is lovely and such pristine washes, would love to give this one a go sometime if I'm over that way next year.

If ever you are please do get in touch Alan - I would love to show you round. This church still has its high wooden pews segregating the gentry from the masses ands such a charmer.

You're right Michael, a real beauty of a church, and painting. Love the washes on the church.

Another of your beautifully clean and understated paintings - a gem!

Very attractive looking church lovely painting.

Thanks Fiona and Thea and yes - the walls and doors really are at different angles but so would I be if I were that age.

It boasts quite complex architecture, too - all those different planes. I like the way you suggest detail in your paintings - you can read it as such, but it's not laboured or fussy, and actually the detail is just carefully and cleverly placed marks, which work especially well in that main (chancel?) window.

Yes Robert - the chancel window - which caused us some problems when we first moved to the village. We were faced with taking out insurance in respect of chancel tax but a problem worth facing.

A very lovely painting Michael, your work is always so good.

And the watercolour is a gem too Michael.

Thanks Michael, I'll keep that in mind for next year.

This is a great painting, Michael. A beautiful Christmas card?

A lovely piece Michael you have so many talents

Thank you Margaret, Val, Alan, Ellen, and Dennis.

Your painting is a real gem.

Hang on Studio Wall

Just about a hundred metres from where I live this lovely 12th century church is a real gem.

About the Artist
Michael Edwards

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