West Coast , rain forecast " 57 x 27 cms in watercolour

West  Coast  , rain forecast " 57 x 27 cms  in watercolour

A dramatic scene, can almost imagine Orcs coming out of the mist!

yes, I believe there are a few still running around over here mc

A beautiful place, had a visit to Jackson bay and lobsters on our tour. A lovely painting Mike

Hang on Studio Wall

The Southern Alps come close to the west coast shoreline and have rain forest virtually to the sea line. This is just about as far as one can drive down the west coast - nearly at Jacksons Bay - a fish and chip caravan , a cool store for lobsters and that is it. The scenery is terrific.

About the Artist
Mike Capenerhurst

Born & lived in Leicester for 30 years before coming to NZ in 1965 with wife and family. Dropped art at school for more "useful" subjects. Interest resurrected upon arriving out here. Started with oils, moved to water colour some 20 years ago.. Have played with etching and like it. Primarily self…

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