Farmhouse at night

Farmhouse at night

This is very the colours..

A new little gem to your gallery, Louise. I would recognise your paintings immediately. Stunning and very personal!!

Thank you Ping and Mia. You'll have noticed I found the "moon stamp" :) This painting is in Colin Jellicoe's gallery, Manchester at the moment until October ! I'm very pleased that it's on show. Fingers crossed that somebody else likes it :)

The two complimentary colours of orange and purple work so well here and give the painting balance. These paintings are getting more 'half and half' than before I feel and I like this. You have the more recognisable houses in the village above and the more fantasy flowers below which is so interesting and gives lots to look at and think about. Another lovely one, Louise.

Many thanks Thea. It's so interesting to get feedback and opinions here. Often, things are pointed out that I hadn't noticed. I am using a similar format in these paintings. I thought everyone was on holiday, it seems to have been less busy here than usual.! Thanks again.

The colours are very eye catching Louise and I love how you depict your tree's, they remind me of Claris Cliff trees.

I agree those colours work particularly well, lovely.

many thanks, Kirstie and Lesley. Lovely to get such nice comments !

Missed this one, I like the two levels in this.

Hang on Studio Wall
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About the Artist
Louise Naimian

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