Stephenson Sq 5

Stephenson Sq 5

Probably my favourite - the black uprights are a superb touch and make it.

You have managed to produce six super images of 'the square' and all of them different and Interesting in their own way, well done you!

My favourite too. I like the suggestion of a phone box in the foreground and the figures are superb.

Yes great series and what a terrific finale

Super painting Louise - the happy accident of spattering I think works well.

Many thanks Michael, Stephen, Christine, Dennis and Joseph. I painted the vertical black lines freehand at first and they weren't vertical which didn't look good. Strips of masking tape and the set square solved the problem. They had to vertical in this one I think. Also, Christine, you spotted the phone box!

Wonderful colours Louise.

Smashing Louise and somewhere I am aiming to be, with your skills.

Thank you Gudrun, Marjorie and Derek.

Paint spatter an extra treat Louise, I like it.

Wonderful blocks of vivid colours, love the figures.

Many thanks Fiona and Carole. I'm pleased with the way the figures turned out Fiona and Carole, it's more of a smudge really, messy painter that I am. (you wouldn't like my emulsioned walls behind my painting they are splattered but fortunately, watercolour can be wiped off now and again..LOL)

Yes, peace restored - all villains locked up and now this young couple can stroll off to the pictures for a night out. I love the way you have conveyed the illuminated hoardings and bright lights of the city at night. A lovely piece of work.

Hang on Studio Wall

Peace has been restored on the Square..the getaway car has left and I think that I'll leave this particular scene alone now as well.. I confess to using the back of my last one for this which had paint splattered on it from my drawing board. I'd hoped that it might add to the effect and as it's an experimental one anyway, it didn't seem to matter. Happy accidents?

About the Artist
Louise Naimian

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