Two on plumpness.

2 on plumpness

🤣🤣Made my day Lewis.

Two more great characters!

He he! Like the Amazon rhyme- and the character, always well drawn.

Another great start to the week. Keep them coming, Lew.

Brilliant humour and artwork Lew.

Always a chuckle Lewis.

Ha ha brilliant Lewis

Thanks very much for your comments. Always appreciated.

Lol brilliant work Lewis 😀

Lovely work Lewis.

Another cracker, Lew, and one that put a big smile on my face from start to finish. The characters are top drawer, as usual. Bri

Love them Lewis

Great stuff as always Lewis.

Super Lewis! I reckon you would be good at painting those saucy seaside postcards that we never see these days.

Oooooh. I've just ditched my Brownie.....Clever Lew .

Thanks again for your comments. I loved those old postcards Frank...the saucier the better. I saw some Donald McGill originals in a museum devoted to his postcards on the Isle of Wight. They were about A4 size, lovely lovely work.

Hang on Studio Wall

The limerick and poem aren't mine...they are by the great 'Anon'. This hot weather is making me sluggish, the advantage with these type of pics is that they don't take long. I have stacks of time to do stuff...just lazy.

About the Artist
Lewis Cooper

Self taught. Love drawing. Like to make pictures up, without using reference pics, often in cartoon style. I do other pictures where I do use reference. I'm knocking on a bit, born in 1940 in Greenwich, London. Retired, and loving it.

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