Shadows of the past

Shadows of the past

Just compared your sketches to the beautiful "finished" portrait ; really enjoy seeing the development from one to the other. These sketches together probably tell more about Ines than the painting does - less distance, more spontaneous. I am sure you have done her justice.

These sketches are wonderful and show Ines in two different moods. In one she seems a little severe - perhaps she is looking at the young whipper-snapper who is presuming to paint her perhaps? In the other she is very twinkly and seems full of fun. These expressions are beautifully captured and your use of light and shade to define the features and expression is superb. Just wish I could do that! I agree with Sharon, it is an education to see these sketches and then see the finished painting.

Splendid work, Kim! I love the way the studies are left with a hint of mystery - as if Ines is keeping some of her thoughts veiled.

Thank you. It's tough using a single colour (and Payne's can be so dreary), but it's a great school for the eye.

Well, as Sharon says, it is interesting to see your preliminary work, which equally beautiful!

Excellent portraits and they're only "sketches"!!!

Love them both Kim! All that long lived life shows there and it's very moving.

Hang on Studio Wall

These are two Payne's sketches of Ines from last year upon which I based a few more finished portraits. What's "finished" I often wonder? Certainly the act of putting your brushes down implies a degree of completion. And though Ines has completed her terrestrial existence, she lives on when you peep at her...

About the Artist
Kim Sommerschield

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