Portrait of the artist.


This is so full of character and a few thousand stories to tell Michael. Love it.

Thanks Carole. It’s been a long journey. I’m worn out.

But never defeated Michael x

Not defeated yet! Good portrait!

Well you were never bored Michael! A wonderful characterful face that’s seen it all x

Thanks Linda and Carole.

Don't say you're worn out and defeated! You're only 4 years older than I am - and Alan Owen's in the region of 90 - nay nay, lad! Say not the struggle naught availeth! I'm sure I see signs of life beneath the hat and behind the glasses.

Robert, thanks for your words but I’m a dead man awaiting confirmation.😂😂😂😂💀💀

Hello Michael, looks like you've had a life well lived ... the man of mystery revealed!

It all wears you out Heather.

Pleased to meet you Michael. Never say never buddy.

Hi Jim. I’m full of life.

A brilliant portrait Michael. It’s nice to put a face to a name.

This face tells a story, Michael. Love it.

Thanks Spencer and Ellen.

Just because there may be snow on the roof, doesn’t mean there isn’t fire in hearth Michael. Anyway, never defeated until the bell tolls! You’re still a handsome brute x

Thank you Fiona. We proved our love for each other years ago. We gave each other our stuff, remember the art material and masterpieces. The best kind of love is love in action and that is ours.

Great portrait, Michael.

Thanks Cesare. I still look at your excellent portrait of me from a few years back.

Hang on Studio Wall
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Portrait of the artist, his once might diminished, his face an image of his long journey, his soul defeated. 6B Pencil.

About the Artist
Michael Mcmanus

I was born in 1946. In the 1960s and part of the 70s I was an airman in the Royal Navy, Fleet Air Arm. I joined Durham Constabulary in 1971. In 1999 I retired from policing and began teaching sociology and criminology at Durham University with emphasis on policing and researching crime. I am drawn…

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