Blue eyes is back


Beautiful work with coloured pencils Jon. Must have been quite a challenge. The eyes are amazing.

Lovely work with piercing eyes

Amazing work!

Amazing eyes

Very impressive drawing/painting, Jon - a powerful image, and I agree that the eyes are particularly good...

Thank you for the very kind comments

Super work and those eyes!

Thank you Heather, Carrie and Caroline

Absolutely gorgeous

Thankyou Romila

Hang on Studio Wall

Coloured pencil no2 - getting hang of them a bit more. 210x 150mm.

About the Artist
Jon Davidson

I am a self taught painter using mainly Acrylics but venturing into coloured pencils and watercolours. I only started painting in 2019 after retiring to the Lake District UK and being inspired by the landscape around me. I paint for myself but hope you enjoy my work. I paint because I like what it…

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