
What a fabulous painting, great color and style. I can't read music, so for me, the notes may as well be written in Latin. I'll take a wild stab at the tune, given the subject. Bye bye, blackbird??

No idea Jenny, but a super illustration.

Have no idea about the music, Linda, but the drawing is super! What an original idea.

'Morning has broken....' by Cat Stevens?

Thanks Lewis, Alan, and Mia! Mia, yes, you've got it - it was recorded by Cat Stevens but was originally written by the English poet and children's author Eleanor Farjeon as a hymn and is one of my favourites.

Without looking at your description, I can read music and I'm sure it's "morning has broken " lovely painting Jenny 😀

Yes, from my days of recorder playing ( that was a fair time ago! ) I could recognise it. Very attractive Jenny.

A lovely illustration Jenny!

Many thanks, Linda, Marjorie and Louise! (I should have said in my previous comment that the lyrics were written by Eleanor Farjeon, I believe they were set to a traditional Scottish Gaelic tune.)

What a lovely idea and very well executed.

Thanks very much, Margaret and Tessa!

How charming this is Jenny, I love it.

Thanks for your lovely comment, Margaret.

Aw so lovely, he sings a sweet song Jenny :)

Thanks, Carole! The blackbird is my favourite song bird, we have one that sings its heart out perched right at the top of our neighbour's fir tree!

Hang on Studio Wall

This was a bit of an experiment - I couldn't get this (well known) tune out of my head for some reason, so thought of doing an illustration of the first couple of lines. I'm not at all musical (apart from grade 2 piano in my schooldays) so hope the notes make sense and that someone might recognise it!

About the Artist
Jenny Harris

I paint mainly in watercolour, often including other media such as pen and ink, pastel or collage. My main interest is in colour and design and most of my work is quite stylised and often illustrative. I enjoy experimenting with acrylic inks, particularly using cling film to create texture, and…

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