Biscuit in the Irises


Just beautiful Jennifer, the cat a great addition.

Thank you Lewis. I'll bet you could make a cartoon out of this idea!

Fabulous and I really like the addition of Biscuit as it's not obvious at first glance.

Such a pretty display of irises Jennifer and the cat is a lovely addition.

Oh, that is so good Jennifer. I love the subtle intrusion of Biscuit!

Such beautiful irises. I love the cat peeking through the stems.

Great work with the irises and love the cat’s inclusion

Beautifully painted Jennifer, and makes me smile.

Thank you so much for your comments, which are always good to receive. My thanks to- Heather, Carole, Fiona, Spencer, Martin and John for taking the time to comment. Your feedback is very important to me.

Wow - those irises!! I love Biscuit peeping through.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour with Biscuit, my friend's cat, added to the sketch for fun.

About the Artist
Jennifer Alsop

A self taught artist with a Science background in Botany and Zoology, and I began painting when I retired from my business. I have Exhibited my work at The Mall Galleries, London,on four separate occasions with the Society of Women Artists. I have Exhibited work at Patchings on four…

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