Church Street Corner

Church Street Corner

A very classy picture, Frank. I don't do plein air myself, but admire the work of those who do.

Lively sketch Frank, interesting.

Such a characterful drawing, Frank!

This is a beautiful sketch Frank. 👍🏻

The added colour really makes this special Frank.

Nicely done Frank, I like the touch of blue.

Thanks all. I only do plein air in summer Lewis, so I guess you could say I’m a fair weather sketcher!

Lovely sketch, Frank!

Well drawn Frank - love the buildings on this corner.

Hang on Studio Wall

This week's plein air sketch is the junction of Church Street and Church Square in Market Harborough. Joined this week by fellow artist Ken Lilley, we sat sketching and sometimes cursing at vehicles that stoopped our view and people that stopped to chat on the corner, almost oblivious to what we were trying to do! Great time though.

About the Artist
Frank Bingley

I've had very little tuition over the years except for a two year course during the late 1990s in watercolour. Since retirement in 2012, I now have time to pursue my love of painting. In recent years I have ventured into linoprinting, acrylics , oils and gouache. Gouache is fast becoming my…

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