Peony (Bowl of Beauty)


Very well done Frank ☺️

Stunning.. great image and colour choices.

What an amazing linocut, Frank - and what a lot of work! Thought at first it might be a gouache painting. Beautiful colours.

Wow that's amazing! I've never done any limo cut but I know it takes some doing.

An amazing linoprint (who would have thought) and well worth what must have been a long and time consuming process

Great result Frank. I was given some Lino cut gear at Christmas but haven’t got round to using yet- must dig it out!

The flower centre is so eye catching and the dark foliage really accentuates the beauty of the peony Frank.

I love the vibrancy of this Frank! A brilliant image!

Astonishing work Frank. Bright, fresh and sunlit. At first glance I thought it was gouache. Great skill and creativity.

Wow, you are all very kind with your comments. This took a good two weeks to complete, mostly waiting for oil based inks to dry.

I love it Frank. A brilliant linoprint. Your patience in producing this has really paid off.

Superb work Frank.

Jumps off the page!

This is super work Frank.

Blimey! That’s a good result Frank - so many layers. Like others I thought it was gouache.

This is stunning Frank. Beautiful linoprint

Frank, I thought, no it can’t be a print when I first saw it as thumbnail. Good grief….it’s masterful, what a beautiful print. Superb.

Thanks again everyone, Fiona, if you look at my Instagram account, I show all the layers that make up this linoprint @_frankb10

Frank, I would love to follow the process but I don’t have an instagram account….unfortunately. Could you approach Dawn to perhaps show it in one of the E-letters? It would be interesting to see, and appreciate the work and struggle to achieve such a beautiful print.

Hang on Studio Wall

This lovely flower caught my eye when visiting a public garden last year. I always feel that peonies look like very stately and classy flowers, only trouble with them is that they soon go over. Reduction linoprint using oil based inks on Kent Printing paper 20x20cm. It is made up of 12 layers and 13 colours.

About the Artist
Frank Bingley

I've had very little tuition over the years except for a two year course during the late 1990s in watercolour. Since retirement in 2012, I now have time to pursue my love of painting. In recent years I have ventured into linoprinting, acrylics , oils and gouache. Gouache is fast becoming my…

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