Wild Arum, ( I'll not include the rude name ) ;)

Wild Arum, ( I'll not include the rude name ) ;)

Oh shucks! Looks simple until you look into it! Wonderful Carole.

Wonderful painting of the wild Arum Lily. I have always known it as Lords and Ladies (but that as not the rude name .is it?) I don't think I have heard the rude name go on be a devil Carole!!!!!

Beautifully and skilfully painted! lovely Carole.

The mind boggles Carole!

Thanks so much. Tao, cuckoo pint, the pint was an old name (pintle) used for penis! ;) yes I used lords and ladies as the name. The plant is also very toxic ☠️

The plant may be toxic, but this is beautiful. Thank you for the educational. Obvious why the name ....

Those were the days when we could think rude things we enjoy it but deny ourselves and become unfeeling beautiful Carole

A beautiful piece of work, Carole.

Oh Carole I'm so glad you explained the rude name - I was thinking all sorts! There was one plant my mother used to call cuckoo spit, I wonder if that was a derivative of the rude one!! A beautiful painting, great work.

Thanks again for your valuable feedback everyone. Margaret not sure but cuckoo spit I thought was the bubbly spittle you find on plants, it has a little green insect in it called a frog hopper (I think)

Absolutely stunning botanical standard Carole, love it.

Lovely painting Carole, difficult detail made to look easy, a wonderful painting.

When I first started to learn wild flower names in an A to Z list, this was the first one I memorised; Arum Maculatum. Lots of common names as you say....depending on where you live I think. I knew them as a kid, as Jack in the pulpit and lords and ladies. Fascinating. I grow the ' Italicum' in the garden, it has lovely marbled leaves, you probably grow it too.

Nothing toxic here a beautifully painted study of this complex plant.

Love it..

Many thanks everyone really appreciate your comments. Fiona I've seen the one you have, very attractive, not got that one do slugs like it? The little pests are eating their way through my garden at the moment.

Another great and lovely one Carole everything else has been said, you are right about cuckoo. Spit it is a protective foam for the little beasties inside it, well done on the painting.

Ooooh, Carole! You had me looking this one up...Lords and Ladies, Cuckoo Pint, Wild Arum....come on...spill the beans!!

Er mm yes, just found it....Nuff said, Carole....I'm an old lady now and past it!

On a closer look, I have never seen one quite that colour, though! (I am claiming age immunity from dubious comments here!)

Come to think of it Carole, I don't think the slugs do bother it. It grows in three places around the garden and one is by a stone wall.....where the slugs and snail hide out. It's a tougher leaf than the wild form so that may contribute to it being left alone. One other thing in it's favour is, it dies back below ground in the main snail season, good winter interest.

Rude, but very alluringly painted, Carole! Great composition, simply exquisite.

Hang on Studio Wall
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Watercolour and watercolour pencil

About the Artist
Carole Swingler

Self- taught artist, I have dabbled in watercolours for many years on and off. My first love is flower painting in watercolour. Now trying many different media including acrylic inks, gouache, all types of pencils to try loose-ish semi abstract images.

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