Sand dunes & Maram grass

Sand dunes & Maram grass

The clouds look like a breezy day by the beach Fiona. Very expressive, great palette.

You've certainly conveyed the feeling of a blustery winters day Fiona, it's really lovely.

Very nice sky Fiona and good movement in the grasses.

This just jumped out at me - lovely billowiness of the grass and mounds of sand. Lovely.

Very lively painting. I don't think the grass needs to be any lighter, it would draw away from the current combination of grass and sky

Love your sky. My next painting needs a sky like that so I am taking notes! I feel you have captured the light and brightness of the day as it was the first thing that struck me about this painting when it came up on my screen. A lovely loose work.

You've certainly conveyed the breeziness and light variations Fiona - a simple composition that speaks volumes.

Lovely colours and beautiful painting

This has a wonderful feeling of movement Fiona and that sky is wonderful-great picture.

So loose and free and so effective Louise

Simple but full of movement Fiona, I can feel the wind in my face and hear the cry of the gull. The lone white one of course:):)

Very expressive Fiona.

Thank you so much everyone for leaving such kind and encouraging comments, they are always very much appreciated.

It's got movement, which is always the hardest thing to capture.

Thanks Robert, a difficult element to cover in a loose watercolour.

Love the light and the movement, Fiona! It's such a lovely, spontaneous piece.

Hi Seok, I've just opened my emails and there are lots of comments from you, I guess you're catching up after your travels. Thank you for taking the time to trawl through them all to leave such lovely comments.

Love the colours and energy in the painting - I feel quite windswept!

Thank you was that kind of day, I needed my hat!

I just love the light in this painting, so cool and fresh. Well done Fiona!

Many thanks Satu.

You have really caught the moody threatening weather. I can hear the grasses rustling in that stiff breeze!

Hang on Studio Wall

I took the photograph of this last winter from Clachtoll beach, I haven't quiet captured the brightness of the Maram grass against what was a very dark and blustery winter sky. I enjoyed the freeness/looseness of doing this one. Arches 16"x12" Old Holland watercolours; U. marine, V. brown, L. red, R. sienna (dark) in varying strengths, and one gouache seagull!

About the Artist
Fiona Phipps

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