Coffee Time at Matilda Bay WA


Lovely work Dympna.

It's lovely and what a moment you must have had

Nicely painted Dympna.

Lovely Dympna.

So delicately painted with great use of wet in wet and a super sense of space and distance. How lovely to see dolphins Dympna.

Beautiful 😍

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour 26cm x 37cm Arches rough 300gsm - stopped for a coffee and after I took this photo was thrilled to see a mother dolphin and baby playing in the river in front of me. Painting not as loose as I liked but I wanted to capture the moment. Perth city in the back ground. Wet into wet, a bit of splatter. Indigo, Yellow Ochre, Alizarin Crimson and Burnt Sienna.

About the Artist
Dympna Marshall

Born in Sydney in 1943, worked in London for 2 years as a commercial artist and lived in Bali, Indonesia for 20 years. Now happily settled in Perth, Western Australia. Since 2012 I have been visiting England in the summer for 3 months every year. I just love the country side, the old buildings, theā€¦

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