Oaks and hawthorn


Great shapes to the trees Stevan, they look strong and grounded. You’ve maintained that moonlit, still atmosphere.

Thanks Fiona, as ever your comments are very much apreciated.

Really like your full moon series, Stevan, especially those skies with the gessoed clouds, they give your work a lovely quality.

Thanks once again Jenny. I seem to have got stuck on the moon at the expense of all other ideas.

Shouldn’t worry about getting stuck on the moon series they are all eye catching Stevan.

Thanks Barry I apreciate your encouragment.

Hang on Studio Wall

Sticking with the full moon theme for now. The main group of trees are on the hill opposite my house. The rest of the picture is artistic licence.

About the Artist
Stevan Petrovic

I was born in Wakefield West Yorkshire and lived in that area most of my life. I moved over the border in to Lancashire (only just) in 2011. My family and my job have been priorities but I have managed to draw and paint since I was a child. For a short period I was the Chairman of Wakefield art…

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