Hawthorns in Wilson's field.


I really like this, what paper and medium did you use?

Katy, thanks for your comment. The paper is Waterford 300 GSM and the medium is watercolour.

Nice, watercolour painting.

Interesting textures.

Thanks for the comment Stephen.

Spooky, in the nicest possible way. Harry Potter springs to mind. Lovely.

Thanks Robin, your comment suggests atmosphere which I am very pleased about.

Fabulous. I love the twisted forms of hawthorns on windy hills - reminds me of walking in the Pennines.

Thanks for the comment Emma P.

Beautiful (and as already mentioned, slightly spooky!)

Thanks for the feedback Margaret. I will take spooky.

Hang on Studio Wall

It's amazing how many of us cast far and wide for subjects yet we have interesting opportunities on our doorstep. These trees are located close to my home and it took social distancing for me to notice them.

About the Artist
Stevan Petrovic

I was born in Wakefield West Yorkshire and lived in that area most of my life. I moved over the border in to Lancashire (only just) in 2011. My family and my job have been priorities but I have managed to draw and paint since I was a child. For a short period I was the Chairman of Wakefield art…

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