Watercolour warmup.


Amazing for a l15 minuter, very nice indeed

Thank you Heather I’m finding them quite fun todo and don’t feel pressured to what the outcome looks like . Using up odd bits of paper and the backs of failures , have lots of them .

Lovely 15 minute warm up Paul.

A lot of good stuff in there, Dixie. Good free-looking strokes that belie your hand problems.

Thanks Denise and Lew for your kind comments. I find doing these paintings so quickly and without really thinking I don’t have time to think about my hands hurting Lew, I find its when doing slower more detail that I notice how it’s uncomfortable. Anyway if I stopped every time it hurt I would get nothing done , and it really does loosen up the hands a bit.

Such a delicately painted scene Paul, it has a lightness of touch...really lovely.

Thanks Fiona your comments is appreciated.

A piece with great immediacy. I also like the very sparse but strategic placement of darks that moves the eye through the painting. Lovely work.

Hang on Studio Wall

I’m setting myself the challenge of doing a very loose 15 minutes warmup exercise to loosen up my fingers before starting to paint a more serious painting. I does seem to help loosen the stiff joints, I suppose it’s no different to a warm up before exercise in a gym. I’m finding that wearing pressure glove do help to reduce the discomfort and help the grip. I would recommend them to anyone with arthritic hands.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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