Three Grand old Ladies of the Sea.


I don’t know why the frame looks blue as it a bright white in reality.

You do boats so beautifully Paul

Super painting Paul.

Thank you Elaine ,Christine and Denise I appreciate you kind comments.

Very well painted Paul.

It all harmonies together Paul, interesting picture.

Super stuff Paul.

Complicated scene very well painted Paul.

A truly beautiful painting, love it !!

Many thank to you all for your kind comments I appreciate them.

Super painting Dixie. I find sometimes when I take a photo from a sketch book on white paper, the colour isn’t true, something to do with photographing indoors maybe? Your painting reminds me of my childhood in Cardiff when my dad would take us to the then working docks to see tugs taking the bigger ships in and out. Now it’s called Cardiff Bay and obviously this sort of scene is sadly long gone.

Always good boats!

Thank you Tessa and Heather for you kind comments , I took one the photo outside and it seems white on my pad but turned blue on the gallery.

Good one Dixie. Of it’s day, a good reminder

Martin thank yiu for your comment I appreciate it.

Love this, Paul. I also love tugs, so often overlooked. Cameras/phones seem to hate white, don't they!

Really enjoy these workhorse boats Paul.

Thank you John I appreciate your kind comment.

Hang on Studio Wall
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A4 watercolour in A3 white Mount , three grant old steam tugs awaiting the order to start the day. I use a reference photo for the tugs and added the rest from imagination. I love all the old steam ships but they tugs are my favourite, hardworking small boats that are often missed in harbour’s with huge ships. The big ships are hopeless at low speeds and can’t be handled so easily.

About the Artist
Paul (Dixie) Dean

I have sketched most of my life on and off I became interested in watercolour following a spinal injury whilst in hospital but did not follow it up. My eldest daughter bought me a beautiful wooden box set of half pans about twenty five years ago I dabbled on and off until retirement twelve years…

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