Winter Trees, Princes Woods

Winter Trees, Princes Woods

Very good David, admire your bravery, far too cold for me. But working outdoors is very worthwhile and you have caught those shadows so well.

Beautiful, sunny scenery, David. Great composition and painting.

Really great work David.

Lovely clarity David.

Superb work David,

Thanks so much for those appreciative comments but even more thanks to Mother Nature for providing the composition and lighting!

A stunning piece, with wonderfully translucent washes, a lovely palette and great light.

Hang on Studio Wall
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Weekly Tuesday outdoor sessions have been a wash out over the winter but last Tuesday dawned sunny after a week when the sun never appeared. A New Year omen? At last I was able to stand in a local field, cold admittedly, and paint for an hour and a half in the wonderful winter light.

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About the Artist
David Whitehead

I have always loved the British landscape – walking in it, photographing it and now, since early retirement, painting it in watercolour. I prefer to paint in the field and have experienced all the difficulties the British weather can present to a painter, from the sun drying the paint on the…

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