Birches in Snow, Princes Woods

Birches in Snow, Princes Woods

... and a painting is so much better than a photo. Lovely work David.

Very nicely done David, like those soft background trees, gives depth.

Thank you all for your positive comments. I used just 4 colours for this, Cobalt Blue, French Ultramarine, Burnt Sienna and Quinacridone Sienna. The far trees were put in while the sky was still damp, and in both the far trees and the near hedgerow I tried to vary the colour, simply by adding a random touch of one of the blues or browns to the mix after every few strokes.

Hang on Studio Wall

The weekend's snow had gone by the time I was able to paint outdoors again but that's the advantage of painting over photography, isn't it? You can recreate a snow scene after the event.

About the Artist
David Whitehead

I have always loved the British landscape – walking in it, photographing it and now, since early retirement, painting it in watercolour. I prefer to paint in the field and have experienced all the difficulties the British weather can present to a painter, from the sun drying the paint on the…

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