Pines at Mil Estrellas

Pines at Mil Estrellas

A very suggestive painting. I like the warm yellow, it gives me an optimistic feeling.

Yes I like the looseness and lovely colour of this one, needed cheering up this morning ! Thank you.

Many thanks for dropping by in my gallery, Karin and Carole. I'm very glad you did & thanks for your nice comments. Mil Estrellas is a beautiful, bright place & makes you feel optimistic, you carry it with you a bit even when you've left!

There is something about the way you paint Colleen. So expressive. I really like the colour too. By the way, I would really like to thank you for your very kind comments on Tintagel Mount. Your comment didn't sound corny to me. I was chuffed that you saw in that painting what I saw on that dull sometimes with just a glimpse of sun, on that afternoon. Thank you very much. Jeannette xxx

Thank you, Jeannette. Hope you're well. Take care.xx

Hang on Studio Wall

Having trouble scanning pix at the mo; they're not like their OV Still I want to send a great big thank you to Bart & Monica & of course Lanson the gentle Garafioso shepherd dog. Thank you for your wonderful live-saving place and nature! Although you didn't konw it, your steep ravines certainly brought me back from the edge:)

About the Artist
Colleen Barton

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