BetesNoires des artistes peintres PO by Colleen Barton

BetesNoires des artistes peintres PO by Colleen Barton

I love to see sketching. This is a very good example. Can see your personality in this nice a free. A good collage - well done. By the way have seen the thread.

Typing to quickly - should read nice and free!

Colleen excellent work.Best regards Paul

Many thanks for your kind comments, Jeannette and Paul, hope my personality isn't too wild:)! Happy Painting to you...ready? brushes, pencils, bits of all types of markers to the fore. 1...2..3... go! :) best wishes, colleen

You have met the brief...almost the flower(s)? Well done...I like it.

Many thanks for the compliment, Phil! there were some petals on the blanket beneath the model on the left. Run over by the train. Sorry, jodafo, Ruthy and Granmum. best wishes colleen

Obviously missed this one the other day and I've been watching out for these " Betty Noire " paintings after following the thread with interest. Love your interpretation of the subjects, especially the train. Wouldn't dare to try and draw one of those things myself, far too complicated. Good idea too about raising money for charity. Thanks for commenting on Lichen 1 much appreciated and apologies, I forgot to post my eagle to keep yours company. Off to do it now.

Many thanks for the kind compliment, Val. Such compliments from such talented artists, all. Think I might swoon! best wishes colleen

You,ll have to give me lessons Colleen, my inability to draw drives me to despair. Well done. Regards, Bill.

Hi Bill, I find that very hard to believe judging by your outstanding work! I'm not generally known for my drawing skills, I don't think, but many thanks for the praise indeed! :) best wishes colleen

Great work there Colleen, sorry I had missed it. Carry on !

Many thanks, Beatrice!

Well Colleen, you've really gone for it - haven't you!! Fantastic interpretation of a very exacting brief. You seem to have got everything in - I'm scanning the painting to see if I can even find a kitchen sink! Good on you for entering into the spirit of the challenge. I do think it should be an annual pre-Christmas event. It's always good to have a giggle. P.S. I don't think even Judi Whitton could top this!

Great fun enjoyed all specially this one.

Many thanks, Thea & Neil, What an overwhelming response for such an off the cuff project. Many thanks for your support, best wishes, colleen

Hang on Studio Wall

Tried to stick to the remit with just the spark plug thingie sticking out of the bucket as my own BN. Hope I haven't missed anything essential! The three nudes are based on the composition of Les Grandes Baigneuses 1884/7 by Auguste Renoir. We should raise money for charity somehow doing this.

About the Artist
Colleen Barton

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