A Bunch of Flours


Accurately named .I love this Andrea. Personally haven't had an issue sourcing flour

I like the humor of this image ... beautifully painted.

Very funny and very good!

Excellent Andrea! I’m sure you’re not the only one to have found a three year old bag in your cupboard! Super idea and so well painted.

Love the extension of your original work of art. The bags, clip and peg are painted brilliantly Andrea. Found flour so old had to chuck it out but I was lucky enough to have plenty in date before lockdowns

Thanks Marline, you have been lucky, it seems to have been a big problem here, I think independent shops and sources seemed to be better bets than the supermarkets. Glad you were ok though - baking is such a lovely thing to do :-)

Thank you so much David, glad you like it! :-)

Thank you very much Heather, much appreciated! :-)

Thanks Tessa - the question is - would you risk eating it?? I think not ... :-( So kind of you to comment :-)

Thank you Carole :-) Glad you like the assorted bag closures! We swopped half the flour in the bag on the right for a bit of yeast ... but unfortunately it was only 3/4 of the amount we needed and our first home-made bread in four years was a rather dense and moist cake! (Sun-dried tomato and herb flavour!) ... so we are letting the professionals cook our bread from now on!

Well done, a great piece of work to record this challenging time.

Thank you Yoko :-) I started by painting the view from my garden and then moved on to the contents of my cupboards! It was good to chsllenge myself with something completely different for a while. Haven’t done still lifes for ages! Thank you for commenting, much appreciated.

I'm so loving your flour series. Such rare species you have in there at the moment too. Like the self raising.

Thank you Jennifer :-) Alas the self-raising flour is three years out of date ... not too sure how desperate we would have to be to even consider using it - but glad we still had it as an ‘ingredient’ for this still-life. My favourite is still the little red bag of flour - it’s something about the colour and the design (and the fact that the contents are in-date and essential for cheese sauces helps!) Thanks for commenting! :-)

Hang on Studio Wall

Possibly more welcome than flowers right now!? A natural progression to my last painting of a single flour. PS (Before I get a suggestion that this painting could be re-named 'Glutteny') The big bag (left) has a use-by date of September 2017 and has been stored with the breadmaking machine - unused since a bread-making friend sadly died. The large bag on the right is the only flour we have found in the shops since lockdown began - we shared this with a neighbour. We already had the small bag, partly used.

About the Artist
Andrea Hook

I’ve painted and sketched since early childhood and my favourite place was the garden, amongst the old fruit trees and raspberry canes. As a student, I studied for a degree in Visual Arts & Geography at Lancaster University and I worked for fifteen years as an illustrator and graphic designer in…

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