Spritsail Barge under Full Sail.

Spritsail Barge under Full Sail.

I've just spotted an error, you wouldn't see the reflections of the mast quite so upright with the barge doing 10 knots an hour, I will alter it at a later date. Alan

This is lovely Alan, simple brush strokes and very professional.

Very dramatic boat - I hadn't noticed any problem with the reflection but I am not that technical. Love the warm burnt sienna colour you've used for the boat and reflections - this works exceptionally well.

Another beauty with superb command of the medium and love of the old craft Alan

Oh Alan, this is so much better than my effort!!Lol. Seriously, you've caught the speed and movement superbly and I really like the matt finish of this medium, which I've never heard of. I don't know why but the flash of black, bottom right, really has impact. Love it!

Love how effective this has turned out being a "rapid sketch" you've captured movement and atmosphere and life by adding the little people. Very well done!

Interesting use of new materials Alan. I never get round to them and happy with my usual old trad stuff. With your background I am not surprised you are experimenting still.

Hang on Studio Wall

A very rapid sketch done at the request of Fiona yesterday, in response to her 'Red Sails' which she deservedly had some good reviews. Painted with Pelican PLAKA paint, which is a waterproof casein based paint which dries dead flat, useful for sketching with first and then placing washes over the top - acrylics do the same but tend to dry shiney.

About the Artist
Alan Bickley

Having studied fine art and graphics at both Stafford and Derby college, my career working as a graphic artist and latterly as editorial artist with Northcliffe Media Ltd, has kept me constantly in touch with all aspects of art and design. Painting mainly in oils, acrylics and watercolour, my…

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