Woman Flu

Woman Flu

Woman Flu

Easing off but slowly fever up and down shivering one minute sweating the next hard to eat tummy queasy...joints sore burger...resting don't be daft it's woman flu...out for barbecue Friday...Grand God Daughter aged 4 out for girly kids day Saturday I promised and she remembered can't break a promise to a 4 year old...today 12.30pm climbed out of a horrible sleep which lasted some 10 hours...easy day small trip out to DIY shop, pet shop must worm the dogs and of course art shop then home shower feet up and rest...I feel better now...the day out with the said 4 year old was a real giggle nothing like a child to lift your mental spirits...I found some great brushes in the DIY shop and a few bits and pieces from the art shop...so all ends on a positive note with some really nice things happening through the haze...I'm not the only one with this every man and his dog has it and Hubby knows someone in hospital with pneumonia because of it...they that is the DRs. and Pharmacists recon it's the weather cool then hot and humid just great germ and virus growing conditions...so not alone...I could say I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy but I'm secretly glad I'm not alone...logging off now to get an early night...will talk tomorrow...rocks in landscape almost done...hip hip hooray
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