Tiaras and Art

Tiaras and Art

Tiaras and Art

I have always done some kind of "arty crafty" things, from flower arranging, flag making, uniform making (for marching bands!), knitting, crochet, painting etc. etc. I can't resist having a go at anything that involves working with my hands. After I left my job as a laboratory assistant (after 20yrs), I had to find some way of earning some cash....so I decided to make veils and tiaras! It is very fiddly, but I love the challenge of creating something special for each bride. My love of art has given me a feel for colours, and this is always my starting point. It is very delicate and dainty...the total opposite of the way I paint. My hero is Rolf Harris...I love his enthusiasm and he has so much talent. I've got a signed print of "the boxer", which I think is brilliant. I'm trying to get used to the pastel pencils, and I've already decided that I'll never be able to get the same superb finish that Alan does. I think I'll have to keep on and perfect my own style. Thanks for your feedback Patsy. I'd love to do a picture of your two dogs..perhaps you could e mail me a photo. xx
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