The Weather Forecast

The Weather Forecast

The Weather Forecast

Here in Australia our winter has disappeared...we had 26 today with a few thundery showers tonight which has made it humid...we have two yellow double Hibiscus in bloom and the Bougainvillea has yet to lose it's leaves...our poor little Mandarin tree has had to have it's fruit removed because the weather has not been cold enough to ripen folks the promised photos of said citrus fruit is broken...usually at this time of year we are freezing and all of those in my family who arn't allergic to citrus fruit bring the smell inside with them after eating them causing my eyes to water and an attack of the although I'm allergic to citrus I really feel sorry for our little tree which has kindly supplied the family with fresh picked Mandarins from the first year it was planted...on Sunday we went to Fremantle our Indian Ocean port where usually the wind cuts through you at this time of year...but yesterday we were in short sleeves and very warm because we put jeans on when shorts and a skirt would have if anyone out there knows where out winter has gone can you please get it returned to us
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