The Art Room

The Art Room

The Art Room


Hi Judith and thanks for your comments on the Water may have been the Gum Arabic that kept tthe colours bright...Neil Walker recommended it...many of my paints are Coteman which are considered student paints although many years ago we used them with confidence...I am slowly collecting artist quality buying them when they are on special at all one price for all colours...I do have artist quality for the colours required for my tendancy when I paint in any medium is to work almost impasto even with watercolour I use only enough water to get the paint going and allow them to mix on the paper mostly...when I'm painting I'm not aware of this preference it's only when I get a comment on the colours I realise this especially with watercolour and I think back...acrylics are different although I work the same way the colours are expected to be bright...ask Neil Walker about the Gum Arabic he's a font of information and always so good with his replies he's on the Forum regularly usually in the Watercolour section...phew out of breath now...I got some really nice comments on this piece although it's not really completed yet just a little work on the Lily...the eviction of the rocks or boulders was so liberating I hated that painting all that green and dark colours...I don't often chuck stuff but it had to go...hoped this helped I've prattled on somewhat so off to bed now

Hi Judith and welcome back sounds like your trip to the USA was a good one...HAPPY 60th BIRHTDAY...sorry couldn't resist I turned 63 in April...I ask for discount every where I go now...we have seniors cards for over 60's so it has it's advantages...lately the State Government has given us free travel on buses and trains which is great because it can be quite expensive to get from A to B here...recently a train line has been installed down the middle of our Freeway I have yet to use it but can get into Perth or Freemantle and beyond in minutes from where we asked about my unfinished rocks well it's in the bin the rocks turned into boulders and were becoming an obsession I felt so free when it went...I start a watercolour course next week so now I can concentrate on on my usual Saturday jaunt tomorrow sales every where great if you have a few dollars in your pocket...the girls in my little art shop told me last week to wait and I did so today when I got my email heaps on sale so a good time will be had...have a really good birthday

The Seniors thing [life starting at 60]...get used to it and always ask for it...why pay top dollar if you don't have to... Stanley Park? Fantastic memories of my 60th birthday trip that started in Vancouver...were the Blue Herons nesting? Glad you enjoyed it looking forward to some paintings from this too...