Thanks for suggestions

Thanks for suggestions

Thanks for suggestions

First of all, many thanks for the excellent suggestions for inclusion in my e-book on oil painting: they've been extremely helpful, and if anyone has any more, please advise, either through this POL blog or directly to me at robertjones@ratville, OR [email protected] Or via My plan is to write the book and save it in pdf format, so you can obtain it via my website (which I still can't manage: I know a five year old child could do this, but does anyone have a five year old child???) In the meantime, still fascinated by watercolour - I've painted two versions of a scene I painted in acrylic, in watercolour. One of them is in my usual highly layered style; the other started out in clear washes, but I resorted to layered washes, stippling etc in the trees: VERY annoying - I wanted to accomplish the whole painting in clear washes. I may post both paintings - but isn't watercolour frustrating? One day, I WILL paint an entire picture in clear watercolour washes, without added layers or stippling - but it seems to me that you've just got to get the right colour and tone from the outset, and apply it, and leave it, if you're hoping to paint a classic watercolour. I'll get there one day: but certainly haven't got there yet.
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