Teaching People to Paint

Teaching People to Paint

Everyone Can Learn To Paint

The best job I have ever had is teaching people to draw and paint, and I have had some good jobs. I am currently running courses (experiences) for Warner Leisure at Norton Grange, Yarmouth on the Isle of Wight where I was lucky enough to have been born, on the Isle of Wight that is, not at Norton Grange. I get a real buzz from watching people as they realise that they can paint, with bit of guidance, some tricks of the trade and most importantly, the desire to paint. The danger is that painting is adictive and people should be aware that once you have started it is almost impossible to stop! I also teach at the Isle of Wight Technical College and privately. I teach Pastel painting, Acrylics, Oils, Gouache and Drawing. I demonstrate in all different genres to show the techniques as applicable to the relevant mediums. I have recently discovered that my Great Great Uncle was one Joseph Murray Ince of Presteigne in Wales and was an artist. There are paintings of his in The Victoria and Albert museum, The Fitzwilliam in Cambridge and as it turns out in many other galleries all over the world. Whether it is coincidence or not, I find that my love of painting landscapes and buildings may have been in the genes all the time. My belief is still however that painting can be learnt and is not hereditary as I am consistently proving to those people who say to me " Oh no, I can't paint to save my life', well they can, and can very quickly produce work that they are pleased to have put on display. So come on, don't put it off, start painting today! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVZ_mC-hAUI
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