Starting again

Starting again

Starting again

Well here I am again, I have broken my foot and I will be off work for six weeks. I haven't painted since I broke my foot last time. I am obviously making a habit of it just so I can get some time to paint. Over the years I have always dabbled, sometimes with very long gaps between. I find as I get older the skills have gone, and I am left with a very deep emotional hole in my life. I've always been a dreamer staring at shapes and colours. It is the colours that I love, and I have always painted vividly. Gaining much criticism from the family. Comments like "trees are green" or "it should look like a photo" have not dampened my enthusiasm to do my own thing. My school art teacher was Royal Academy trained, and though he is not in this life now, I can't thank him personally. But Many thanks, and I think he would be shouting at me to start again, and this time keep going.
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Hi Penny i'm quite new to this site and just wanted to say hello...I live in Perth Western Australia...i'm very busy with family and paint at night when I get the chance to sit down so it's a bit slow for me...Christmas is upon us and my turkey has just finished browning all ready for tomorrow smells sooo good...I will catch up with galleries after xmas...Happy Holidays to you and yours

Nice to hear from you again Penny. I think those of us who have to work outside painting for a living do sneak odd moments; I also try to make the most of lunch breaks to pop out and sketch, although the weather has been foul here recently.

Thanks Phil I really appreciate it. I hope that you have a wonderful holiday and please keep in touch. It is wonderful to hear and receive compliments from other artists. I think sometimes we get caught up in our own world and don't think about the others that struggle daily to become a part of the world of art. Oppps...on my soap box again. LOL Have a wonderful holiday. God Bless!

I followed your link and eventually found and then lost your web-pages...but I did like what I saw & read there...

I am very pleased to read your update too...